Sunday, October 30, 2005

Happy Halloween

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Have a fun and spooky day!
Love, Claire, Chris and Scout

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Strike is OVER!

Monday morning I am going back to work! As the eloquent Homer Simpson would say, "Woohoo!"

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Cruisin' the country

We talked it over, looked at all the pros and cons and have now decided that we will be driving to Winnipeg at CHristmas, so we will arrive late afternoon or around dinner time on SUnday the 18th and then we will leave on Jan 1, if of course, the weather is being agreeable. This way we have our own time table, we don't have to be without Scout for a week and we will have a car when we are in winnipeg to get here and there. Also much much cheaper, which means more money to spend on Christmas presents!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Happy Anniversary

We wanted to wish Shaleen and Blair a Happy 3rd Anniversary!! Way to go guys! We hope you have a special evening planned tonight or this weekend. I woulc love to be there to look after the little munchkin for you, so you could go out to dinner, but hopefully someone else will do that. I'll be jealous of them!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Thanksgiving weekend

We would love to hear how all of your spent your thanksgiving weekends. We had a lovely weekend with mostly sunny weather, and spent our time relaxing, playing in the park with Scout, running a few errands, and then having company for dinner Monday. It was our first attempt at a thanksgiving dinner, and my first thanksgiving in Canada in three years! The dinner turned out well. We had apple zucchini soup, homemade bread rolls, turkey, roast potatoes, multicolored beans, carrots, broccoli, cauliflour and then mandarin cheesecake for dessert!! We also got to use all our nice dishes that were wedding presents!! We then had a great time playing Mad Games which is the funnest of board games (it doesn't really have a board though!
Next holiday is Halloween! What are everyone's plans?

Sunday, October 09, 2005

It just keeps on gettin' better!

Ok, well, the strike is still going on, but not only that, they have now made it an illegal strike,so now I am doing something illegal!!!! I'm not a criminal, honest, at least I've never been caught for anything before...not that there would be anything...As Bart Simpson used to say, "I didn't do it. Nobody say me do it. Can't prove anything!!"
Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

On Strike!

Hi Gang,

Just thought I would update y'all and let you know that tomorrow morning at seven am I will be on the picket line! The BC Teacher's Union has had a 90 percent vote for an illegal strike starting tomorrow, so I have to participate since I am part of the union. You can't cross the picket line, and you only get strike pay if you picket. Fifty bucks a day for three hours of picketing. I hope the strike doesn't last long. I certainly wasn't expecting to have to go on strike after only working at my new career for a month! I agree with what the teacher's union is fighting for, but I just hope the strike is short, because I want to be working! We've just finished most of our assessments and are about to delve into actually doing therapy with these kids, and I am so excited to get into it!!
Chris has started working in the office and is enjoying it. When he works in the office he has the same time schedule as me, so that is nice for us for carpooling.
Tomorrow we are going for thanksgiving dinner at a coworker's home, and we are planning to have our own thanksgiving dinner on Monday. Hope you are all well. and look forward to hearing from you! Enjoy the long weekend!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

one more welcome back

A big weclome back to Allison and Sang who were a bit closer to us the last couple of weeks because they were in Vancouver. AT least they were in the same province. You're getting warmer......not quite here yet, though:)

Birthdays and welcome backs

Hi Everyone,

We hope you are all enjoying your Sunday and we just wanted to send out some happy messages.
Happy Birthday to Seth!! He is now five years old, and such a big smart boy!!!
Happy Birthday to Mel, who is turning the old quarter of a century!! We wish we could celebrate with you, and finally, but of course not least...
Welcome back to Mary and Colin who have just come back from their honeymoon in Cuba!! We can't wait to hear all about it!!!

Happy Sunday