Sunday, June 18, 2006

Ta Da!

Scout supervised the situation.

Here it is!

And Chris did it all by himself!

Stay tuned...

The deck will be finished later today!! So stay tuned for pictures!!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Winnipeg Parks Rose

Chris and I were at the nursery looking for things for the yard, about a month ago. We decided on buying a rose bush, because of its name: Winnipeg Parks Rose. At the time there were no buds on it yet, but over the past month it has grown buds, and made some beautiful blossoms! This is what one of them looked like on Friday.

Scout's favorite way to get a drink

Date Night

So, Chris and I had a date last night. We went out for dinner to East Side Marios, where we have not gone since before Christmas, and then to the movies. It was a choice between the Davinci Code and The BreakUp, so we chose the 2nd one. I'd heard from people that it didn't get very good reviews, but both of us wanted to see it, so we did.
We both enjoyed it. There are many more funny parts in the movie than they show on the commercials, and we were laughing through a good portion of it. It has sort of a different ending than you expect, but a good one. Now I know it was just a movie, and not real, but let me tell you, it made me appreciate Chris more. If you have a significant other who is willing to help you do things without you having to ask (ie. the dishes, laundry, vacuuming...what have you)then you will think them even more wonderful after watching this movie. At least I did. I tell you, that guy (in the movie, Vince Vaughn) may be funny, but if you had to live with him, you would want to beat him up with a baseball bat on a daily basis!!
Anyway, Happy Sunday to all. I hope you're having a nice sunny weekend!