Sunday, November 19, 2006

So, we've been getting complaints about our lack of blogging in the last few weeks, so here's an update. We've been busy with visitors lately. Chris' friend Matt from Saskatoon came up for just shy of a week and then Allison and Sang arrived for four days. We enjoyed the company and had fun with everybody.
We've had bucket loads of snow up here and it has been pretty cold (between -10 and -25 for the past few weeks. It feels like the middle of January not November. It's a far cry from last November when there was no snow on the ground and it was above zero until after Christmas!!
Madalyn is becoming more and more interactive every day and therefore more and more fun! She's making all sorts of fun faces and really starting to enjoy looking at and touching her toys.
We're getting excited for our trip back to Winnipeg. I think we have 3 weeks and two days to go!

Getting Strong

Madalyn is getting better and better at holding up her head and keeping it up for quite some time.


Madalyn and Scout spend part of every morning playing on the floor gym and they both love it. We've even caught Scout playing with it by herself! She loves to push the nose of the train so that it plays music!


Allison and Sang came up for a visit a few weeks ago and we were very happy to see them. It was fun to hang out together and show off Madalyn. Madalyn enjoyed all the extra cuddles and they even had the patience to teach me and Chris canasta (I am terrible at card games.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


This is Madalyn a few days ago after a bath. Usually she is very calm and relaxed when she' in the tub, but she hates getting out and will scream until she is dry and dressed again! Well, the other night she only fussed for a couple of seconds when coming out of the tub and was quiet! Here she is all wrapped up in her towel looking like a little pea in a pod!