Monday, February 19, 2007

whoops, forgot the pix. Here they are

Five months old

Madalyn turns five months old tomorrow, so I thought I would share some photos that have been taken over the last week. A bit of an update for everyone: Madalyn had her ecchocardiogram at the beginning of the month and the results are in - she has a perfectly normal, properly functioning heart, so nothing to worry about there. She spent the past week slogging through her first cold. The poor little bug was extremely stuffed up and had an awful wet cough. She just sounded like she was having such a hard time breathing, especially when she was lying down that none of us got much sleep because we were worried she would stop breathing and she kept waking herself up with her cough. She is feeling much better now and we are all getting more sleep again! Enjoy the pictures!

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Congratulations to Shal, Blair and Audrey for adding a new beautiful baby girl to their family. Her name is Sarah and she's a cutie. We've seen a few pictures so far and Audrey looks like a very proud big sister. We're sure she'll do a great job and be very helpful to her Mummy and Daddy.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

the dangers of ice cream

Last night I was feeling like a sweet treat and even though it was frickin' freezing outside (and still is today) I thought I would eat some of the yummy oreo ice cream that has been sitting in the freezer. So I scooped some into a bowl and stuck the spoon in. I put that yummy spoonful into my mouth and when I went to pull the spoon back out, it ripped off the skin on my bottom lip!! OUCH!!! So I ran to the bathroom to look at the damage and found myself the new owner of a very bloody lip. I was so disappointed in the ice cream after that and I wished I hadn't had any. I put some lanolin on it, which is the best stuff ever for more reasons than one, and today the lip is looking much better and doesn't hurt anymore. A quick recovery at least. Who knew eating ice cream could be so dangerous! Let that be a warning to all of you, that a cold spoon can be like a metal flag pole and you shouldn't stick your tongue or lips on it!!!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

fingers and pooh bears

I had to post this picture of Madalyn with her fingers in her mouth because there are tons of pictures of me doing the exact same thing. I thought my parents would get a kick out of Madalyn doing it too! The other picture shows Madalyn enjoying her glo-Pooh that Audrey gave her for Christmas. Today is Audrey's 2nd birthday! Happy Birthday big girl!!


We had a great dinner on Sunday night at a friend's place. Scout had fun playing in the backyard with another dog, Madalyn and fun getting lots of cuddles and we enjoyed the conversation as well as the food! An exersaucer was sitting in the friend's basement and she has graciously loaned it to Madalyn. I got it ready to go yesterday while Madalyn was having a nap and it was all ready by the time she woke up. She was pretty excited about it and thinks it is pretty interesting. This is her enjoying it yesterday and today.

birthday cake

My birthday was last Friday, so Chris and I decided to get dressed up, leave Madalyn with a friendand have a nice evening just the two of us. We went to the Uptown Grill for a delicious dinner and had a really nice time. Before dinner we had some birthday cake (because when it's your birthday you don't have to do things in order).