Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Hittin' the road

This time tomorrow we'll be somewhere between Grande Prairie and Edmonton!! We'll be seeing everyone in Winnipeg soon!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Spring is coming

Madalyn turned 6 months old a couple of days ago and she has changed a lot in the last month. She can roll over and sit by herself. She makes all kinds of noises and knows she can make them to get our attention. She is very ticklish and that is a sure fire way to get a giggle out of her. She has started eating solid food and so far really likes peas and carrots but is not all that impresses with baby rice cereal. She has tried corn, but didn't like it, so we will try it again later. She went for six month appointment last week and weighed 14.5 pounds, so she has now gone from the 10th percentile up to just below the 50th. She is getting very rolypoly!
In other news, we will be showing up in Winnipeg in a week and a day and we are very excited for our road trip home! Hopefully Madalyn, Scout and the weather will all cooperate with us!
Spring is finally on it's way up North! Today it was 2 degrees this morning and it is supposed to be above zero for the next week for sure. We'll need it up there for quite some time to melt the 7 feet for snow we have accumulated (no exaggeration there, that's really how much we've had).
I'm having problems downloading pictures right now, but I will post some later!
Hope everyone else has had a good month!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Cuddle time!

Weekend with Nanna and Grandad

Madalyn's Nanna and Grandad came up for a visit this past weekend on their way to Prince George. Madalyn had a blast getting lots of kisses, cuddles, stories and playtime. They bought her a high chair as an early Easter present and she just loves it! She looks very proud of herself sitting in it!