Monday, April 30, 2007


The past month has been pretty busy which is why we have been so slack with the blogging.

We arrived in Winnipeg on March 31 at 2 in the morning after waiting out a snowstorm in Brandon. We were going to get a hotel room in Brandon and then just drive to Winnipeg in the morning, but the Brandon Winter Fair was going on so there were no rooms to be had!

We spent two days in Winnipeg and then flew off to Toronto to introduce Madalyn to her extended Wylie family and see David and Jamie. Our time in Toronto was very short and very busy and basically felt like a whirlwind. We were happy to get back to Winnipeg and relax for a couple of weeks before driving back to Fort St John.

Madalyn was able to enjoy her first Easter with all of her grandparents and most of her aunts and uncles. We also managed to squeeze in her first trip to the zoo with her little friends Audrey and Sarah.

We had a much less eventful drive back to FSJ and were glad to be home. After unpacking and having some dinner, Chris decided to check the crawlspace to see if we had any water since a HUGE amount of snow had melted. Well, the pump that was down there was not work and there was a lot of water down there! Not a nice thing to come home to! We had to throw out some things that got wrecked by the water and after getting a wetvac from Canadian Tire everything is nice and dry now. We'll have to get a new pump before next Spring!

I found out last week that I will be going to LA for a conference at the end of June for a few days so my mum has graciously agreed to come up and look after Madalyn while Chris is working. I've been busy trying to renew my passport for the trip since it expires at the end of May. It'll be a big step to leave Madalyn over night for a few days, but at least I know she will be well taken care of.

Chris and I have joined a slowpitch team and games start on the 8th. We had a meet and greet last week and I think it will be fun. Most people on the team are around our age and most are married with about half having small kids. I'm a bit nervous about it because I don't think I have swung a baseball bat since jr high! Hopefully I can hit a ball every once in a while.

Well, I think that is the news for us. I'll try and get some pictures downloaded for an update