Thursday, June 14, 2007

A big girl standing in her crib. She keeps putting her head to the side lately. She thinks it's pretty cute, and she's right.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Super powers

It happened sooner that I thought! Chris signed up for facebook tonight! Man, am I ever persuasive! I should be careful with my powers of persuasion - they are stronger than I realized

I surrender to Facebook

Well, I have caved and joined Facebook. Everyone seems to be addicted to it and I can definitely see why. It is easy to spend long periods of time there and it is amazing the people that you find and who find you that you haven't thought about in years! Chris is still resisting it, but I keep showing him all the cool things about it and I think he is slowly starting to change his mind! Right now he is in Northern BC near the Northwest territories border. He'll be back by Friday. Meanwhile, I'll be heading to ball tonight with Madalyn and Scout.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Date night

Chris and I get to go out on a date tonight! Michelle has gratiously agreed to babysit not only Madalyn, but Scout as well! This will be our first movie since before Madalyn was born. I don't even remember the last movie we saw in the theatre together - maybe the 2nd Pirates of the Carribean. Our two choices tonight are Pirates 3 or Knocked Up, and since we have heard good things about Knocked Up, we've decided that's the one. We might have high expectations after being away from the theatre for so long!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Silly little goofball
Scout making faces at Madalyn and the two of them thinking they are pretty funny!

So pretty!

pool time

These pictures show Madalyn getting ready for and then enjoying her pool. She has not yet learned to share and is punishing the duck who dared to swim in her pool as well. Off with his head - as she is too young to use sharp things, no guilletine (I think I spelled that wrong), she must use her teeth instead!


They totally look like they got caught conspiring about something. Lucky for them we don't speak Dog or Baby!