Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Winter was kind, and decided to disappear this year for Halloween! We're back to no snow, and it was a beautiful day today with no wind!
We got busy carving pumpkins this morning. It started as "we" but as soon as Madalyn touched the mushy gushy stuff she was out, so I was left to carve five pumpkins all on my own. It ended up taking most of the morning!
Here are some photos of the pumpkins, Madalyn getting her Cinderella hair done, and of course the costumes! We took the kids out before dinner to visit some friends, and then after dinner, Chris took Madalyn up and down our street, while Owen and I handed out candy. As it stands now, we've had 55 kids, which is about 53 more than last year! Hope everyone had a happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Winter has arrived

It has been a very snowy weekend. I think the expected was 5cm, but it has been snowing since Friday and I am fairly certain we have more than that. With temps being just below zero it has been that wet, heavy stuff that is perfect for snowballs and snowmen. That's what we've been using it for anyway!
This was the first weekend Chris hasn't worked in 3 weeks, so we took advantage of it. Lots of family fun in the snow and swimming at the pool as well. It was nice to just hang out together and play. Here are some photos.