Sunday, October 09, 2005

It just keeps on gettin' better!

Ok, well, the strike is still going on, but not only that, they have now made it an illegal strike,so now I am doing something illegal!!!! I'm not a criminal, honest, at least I've never been caught for anything before...not that there would be anything...As Bart Simpson used to say, "I didn't do it. Nobody say me do it. Can't prove anything!!"
Happy Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

I miss you!

Allison said...

poor claire. i hope it is all over soon. nobody i know likes striking.

i hope you had a good thanksgiving!

claire said...

ok, I will NOT be going to jail, so nobody worry about that! Chris is so dramatic!! Unfortunately the strike continues. ON the bright side it was a nice day for picketing, and now I have the rest of the day to hang out with my puppy and get some errands done! As the song says, "Always look on the bright side of life, do do,do do do do do do!"