Thursday, October 06, 2005

On Strike!

Hi Gang,

Just thought I would update y'all and let you know that tomorrow morning at seven am I will be on the picket line! The BC Teacher's Union has had a 90 percent vote for an illegal strike starting tomorrow, so I have to participate since I am part of the union. You can't cross the picket line, and you only get strike pay if you picket. Fifty bucks a day for three hours of picketing. I hope the strike doesn't last long. I certainly wasn't expecting to have to go on strike after only working at my new career for a month! I agree with what the teacher's union is fighting for, but I just hope the strike is short, because I want to be working! We've just finished most of our assessments and are about to delve into actually doing therapy with these kids, and I am so excited to get into it!!
Chris has started working in the office and is enjoying it. When he works in the office he has the same time schedule as me, so that is nice for us for carpooling.
Tomorrow we are going for thanksgiving dinner at a coworker's home, and we are planning to have our own thanksgiving dinner on Monday. Hope you are all well. and look forward to hearing from you! Enjoy the long weekend!


Tomato said...

egads! on strike! that's crazyness. Seems like it's a popular trend in bc. Telephone company - on strike. Teachers - on strike. Once when i lived there there was a strike with the garbage collection folks.

boy did the rats have a hay day with that. Weeks of garbage piling up and going nowhere. It was a rotten deal for the citezens let me tell you.

Well i do hope that your stike is resolved quickly.

Have a happy poultry day (i'll be cooking a chicken-dactyl).

Anonymous said...

Damn the man Claire! Damn the man.

Good luck with your striking and I hope all enjoy their thanksgiving. Being a hardcore Aussie it's interesing to see a holiday where you have to give thanks for something and eat a turkey. Pretty much all our holidays involve drinking, major sporting events and one occasion when the Turks shot a lot of our troops in WWI.

Anonymous said...

Goll, Claire... I taught you how to be an SLP, not a picketer!!! Get that administration to see the light and realize that teacher's deserve every penny they get!! The kid's need you girl!! Think of all the lispers who are "missing their window of opportunity!"
Truly, I hope you get back at it soon...You are so good at what you do!


claire said...

Hi Deb,

Thanks for the pep talk! Hopefully the strike will be over soon and we can get back in there get to work!! Hope thins are good with you!! Say hi to Michele for me!!