Sunday, October 23, 2005

Strike is OVER!

Monday morning I am going back to work! As the eloquent Homer Simpson would say, "Woohoo!"


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Hope you all got stretched limos and daily massages out of the negotiations :-)

Allison said...

I'm so happy you're back to work, Claire. I'm sure it's a big relief for everyone. I hope the concerns that caused the strike were resolved, or at least, a plan of action is in place.

claire said...

demands haven't really been met, but this doesn't seem to be working anyway. I'm just glad to be working. A lot of the concerns are those of the classroom teacher, not me, and while I agree with those concerns, the strike probably wasn't the best decision. I am so happy to be back at work, although Scout is likely very upset about it. I'll find out when I get home from work!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Claire! It's good to hear that you're back on the job.

claire said...

thanks matt,

Glad to be back!

Anonymous said...

Hi Claire and Chris, we were in Vernon in October to visit David and Megan. We spoke with some teachers there and could see that they had had enough and couldn't wait to get back to teaching. Unfortunately striking can be a big wakeup call to people!! Enjoy your teaching career. Uncle Glen has been having nightmares about teaching!!! Alas this profession does need new blood!!! Hugs, Aunt Irma and of course Uncle Glen (our e-mail address is I would have loved to send pictures but am having trouble with the concept of blogs!!!! Hugs Aunt Irma