Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Thanksgiving weekend

We would love to hear how all of your spent your thanksgiving weekends. We had a lovely weekend with mostly sunny weather, and spent our time relaxing, playing in the park with Scout, running a few errands, and then having company for dinner Monday. It was our first attempt at a thanksgiving dinner, and my first thanksgiving in Canada in three years! The dinner turned out well. We had apple zucchini soup, homemade bread rolls, turkey, roast potatoes, multicolored beans, carrots, broccoli, cauliflour and then mandarin cheesecake for dessert!! We also got to use all our nice dishes that were wedding presents!! We then had a great time playing Mad Games which is the funnest of board games (it doesn't really have a board though!
Next holiday is Halloween! What are everyone's plans?


Tomato said...

I had thanksgiving with teh Allison, and teh Ch'ris

For dinner i went and cooked a beer can chicken with rosemary and thyme. Which turned out delightful if i say so myself. I failed at yam croquettes, the yam flavor was much to overwhelming, i may have to temper the yams with potato next time. We had strawberry-mango pie for dessert. But alas i did not make this desert (i'm terrible at baking. i cannot resist the urge to peak).

Fun was had by all, and we were thankful that i was to busy eating to tell the un-funny jokes i am so fond of.

It sounds like you three had a great time. though it also sounds like you'll be eating turkey for a while. Perhaps one day i'll be adventerous enough to try and cook a whole turkey myself. But i think the real test for a "real" canadian thanksgiving is how well you can roast a bear. ;)

Anonymous said...


Well you know what we did/ate for thanksgiving dinner- besides those festivities our weekend was jammed packed full of errands- we finally (after almost 1 year) bought curtains for the front window- infact they are almost even hanging- I just need to find someone who will hem them for me b/c they are much too long. We also bought a mirror and wall scones for above the sideboard in the dining room. We had a gift cert. for MEC- which we spent- very exciting!! Oh- Shaleen and I went shopping on Friday night than out for drinks and appitizers we had a great time- both of us agreed it had been much too long since the last time we had done that and it was nice to have some girl time- not that we don't love our husbands. Oh- and I got to see Audrey and let me tell you- she is just the cutest thing- she can do all sorts of fun tricks now- and she was full of smiles!! I could just eat her up.

Anyway- that was our weekend- except I had to work on Thanksgiving but that is no fun so we don't need to dwell on that.

Take Care

Allison said...

My Thanksgiving Weekend:
As you know, Annette's wedding was Saturday. That kept me busy enough ;). Sunday was comparitively low key..I took a nice long nap in the afternoon. In fact, my mom and dad did too. We were all exhausted! Monday, Sang pretty well described for you. Except, he forgot that Chris brought over an ice wine, which got us sufficiently tipsy. After dinner, we walked over to Starbucks for lattes, then headed back to Sang's for some Skip-Bo.