Saturday, March 11, 2006

Spring Break is Here!!!

Chris, Scout and I have survived the last week of work and have made it to Spring Break!!! Today we are busily getting organized for our trip to San Diego!! It's 9o'clock in the morning and we are on the 3rd load of laundry,the dishwasher is running, and we still need to vaccuum and clean the bathrooms. Chris has to run up to the bank for some american cash, and we have to pack up our suitcase. The last thing we have to do is drop Scout off at the kennel before four o'clock. I am hoping she will be excited to go there today. It was so hard to take her there the first time, but I feel much better about it now. I know she will have fun there, and the lady who looks after them all really loves them, so we have good piece of mind knowing she is well looked after there. They have five acres of fenced property and the dogs go out five times a day to run and play with each other. Scout just lives to play with other doggies so she will be in heaven!!
Back to the trip!! We are leaving Sunday morning, and have quite the puddle jumping journey to get there! We stop in Vancouver, Portland, San Francisco and finally San Diego, which means all the flights are short, but I hate the up and down and up and down!! It reminds me of when Mary and I went to Nova Scotia back in 2001!!! Hopefully we can avoid the motion sickness. We're bringing lots of water to drink with us!!! We have four full days to spend doing fun things while we are there, and then we head back to FSJ on Friday around lunch time. That still gives us the weekend before heading back to work.
Well, I hope everyone is doing well. I know you folks in schools in MB don't get your break for another two weeks, but I hope you have a great time when you get it.
Take care, everybody, and we will chat again when we return!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We hope you have a safe and FUN trip- we wish we could go to (it is snowing cats and dogs here!!)