Saturday, April 01, 2006

And....we're in

It is now Saturday and as of about 630 last night we have been officially moved out of the townhouse and into our new house. It has been an ongoing process all week, with working all day, moving all evening, and then back to work again the next morning. Not fun, but we're definitely glad to be over and done with. The two extra bedrooms are the only ones with boxes that need to be organized. Everything else seems to be organized now. Scout loves her backyard and as more and more of the snow melts and more mud appears she seems to love it even more. She hates having her feet wiped off with the towel, but she will have lots of practice with it in the next few weeks.
We bought a barbeque last night that we are going to test out tonight with chicken kebabs, baked potatoes and coleslaw! Yummy!!! Chris thinks he has successfully put it together so, I guess we will find out when he lights it tonight!
Barbeque season is here!!
Chris signed up to be put on a baseball team this morning, so hopefully that will start up soon as well.
That is about it for the news this week. We're moved in and enjoying the quiet of a house without attached neighbours and a busy parking lot out front!


claire said...

The barbeque was very yummy and Chris didn't burn a thing! In fact it was so good we bbqed again tonight!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Missy and Chris (ha!) i found your blog with minimal effort and thought i would say hello. I sure wish i was there to see the new house and be at the BBQ's during the season, but no, alas i am renovating my own santuary..not loving reno lana, but i will survive! Hope to chat the bloggin thing!

Elizabeth said...

hey brother and sister-in-law...guess what?! I am moving too! It's actually quite the mess for me. well, it's complicated. Jess is not so ecstatic that Tiffany and I are moving into a 2 bedroom apartment and out of her house...but i think we moved out to get away from parents, not to be parented by someone that hardly knows me. Anyways...I'll let you know everything as I know it. Miss you muchly. I would scold you to update your blog...but i haven't doen mine and I dont want to be a huppocrite! later