Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A New Career...Maybe Not

So Chris needed a haircut pretty badly and we all know how he doesn't like to pay 20 bucks every time he gets his hair cut. We found a kit that costs as much as a haircut and then I tried to do it for him. I was nervous to do it and I was worried about leaving bald patches all over his head! Fortunately there is only one bald patch that is pretty small and at the back. The way his hair grows it'll be gone in no time and he didn't seem too worried about it.
Hopefully all I need is some practice, it was after all, a first attempt. We'll see if he lets me do it again! Here is the result.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Mystery of the Missing Snowpeas

So, the other day I was out in the backyard with Scout checking out the veggie garden. I discovered that the beets and some of the snowpeas were ready to be picked, so I dug right in and started to pick the peas and pull out the beets.
I made a big pile of peas on the patio table and ran inside for scissors and a bowl to cut the tops off the beets and put them in the bowl to wash off. When I came back outside my pea pile looked decidedly smaller. I looked from side to side, but nothing out of the ordinary seemed to be going on. They hadn't fallen off the table to be scattered all across the lawn and there were no birds in sight big enough to carry them off. Well, maybe I just hadn't picked as many as I thought and I brushed it off.
The next day I went to pick some more peas of the vine, as it seems they are at the stage where there are more of them ready to pick every day. There were less on the vines that I remembered, this was true the next day as well!
Then today I was mowing the lawn and noticed Scout over by the veggie patch. She know she is not allowed in it, but fortunately for her, the peas are right on the edge. My health-conscious, veggie-loving dog was delicately picking snowpeas off the vine and then crunching away on them!!
Mystery solved! Scout is the culprit!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Hot, hot, hot

So it's 31 degrees, not a cloud in the sky and me without any air conditioning! Whew!! Scout and I are hiding out in the shade of the house with all the windows open the fan going and the blinds closed, with lots of cool drinks!
Chris is lucky to be in an air conditioned office today! I think it should be take-your-family-to-work-Day so that we can get in on some of that nice air conditioning action!
Stay cool everybody!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Recovering from a busy weekend

This is Scout having a Monday afternoon nap, to recover from the busy weekend! By dinner time she'll be hyper and ready to play. Perfect timing for Chris to come home from work!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Baby related stuff

We decided to put the crib together this afternoon (and by we, I mean mostly Chris put it together and I watched), so here it is. Also I have had many requests for "tummy" pictures, so here you go!

Close Encounters of the Moose Kind

So yesterday Chris and I were driving along around 630 on our way home from Grande Prairie Just chatting, when all of a sudden Chris hits the breaks and a big Moose cow walks out in front of us! Behind her on the side of the road is another Moose. They were pretty darn big, and not the least bit concerned looking as they ambled across the road. It's amazing how big they are in person, and these were females, the males then to be an extra 500 to 750 pounds and they have the big impressive rack! It would have been perfect for my mum to be there, as that is just the encounter she was looking for when they last visited! It was very cool to see.
Anyway, our Grande Prairie trip as very productive. We managed to find a stroller and car seat combo that we like, Chris used his birthday gift cert from Mary and Colin at Future Shop to buy an xbox game he wanted, we of course, went to Michaels, but it was just in and out because I knew exactly what I needed and we also got some good shopping done at Superstore. We also managed to feed a Pita Pit craving (for Chris, not me).
Now that it is Sunday we plan to relax and not do a whole lot of anything, except walk the dog, I think.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Rain, rain don't go away!

Yesterday it finally rained!!!! It hasn't rained here since May! There are forest fires all over the place and you can see and feel the smoke in the air in town. Tumbler Ridge which is two hours away was evacuated because of a really big fire near them. We were so in need of this rain! We had a water ban and everything! It was also supposed to rain today (it hasn't) and it is supposed to rain tomorrow, but I won't hold my breath. The weird thing about weather up here is that if it is supposed to rain it NEVER does, and if it isn't, then all of a sudden, BOOM, there it is.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Happy Birthday Scout...and Canada

Today was Scout's first birthday! She had a great day with a special breakfast, two new toys, some new treats and a nice long walk.
We also celebrated Canada Day by joining friends for the Canada Day parade and then back to their place for snacks, and a rousing game of Bocci. Having never played before, I even came in second!
The rest of the afternoon was spent being lazy at home after having a bit too much sun earlier on today. Tonight we're having a late evening barbeque dinner and then watching the fireworks from our back deck.
We hope the rest of you are having a fun and enjoyable Canada Day!