Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Mystery of the Missing Snowpeas

So, the other day I was out in the backyard with Scout checking out the veggie garden. I discovered that the beets and some of the snowpeas were ready to be picked, so I dug right in and started to pick the peas and pull out the beets.
I made a big pile of peas on the patio table and ran inside for scissors and a bowl to cut the tops off the beets and put them in the bowl to wash off. When I came back outside my pea pile looked decidedly smaller. I looked from side to side, but nothing out of the ordinary seemed to be going on. They hadn't fallen off the table to be scattered all across the lawn and there were no birds in sight big enough to carry them off. Well, maybe I just hadn't picked as many as I thought and I brushed it off.
The next day I went to pick some more peas of the vine, as it seems they are at the stage where there are more of them ready to pick every day. There were less on the vines that I remembered, this was true the next day as well!
Then today I was mowing the lawn and noticed Scout over by the veggie patch. She know she is not allowed in it, but fortunately for her, the peas are right on the edge. My health-conscious, veggie-loving dog was delicately picking snowpeas off the vine and then crunching away on them!!
Mystery solved! Scout is the culprit!

1 comment:

Allison said...

That is super cute and very funny. Grap a camera, and show us a pic if you get the chance. Although, just picturing it is pretty good.