Thursday, December 07, 2006

The bravery of a scaredy-cat dog

So the weather has finally turned and we've gone from -40 to +5!!! Such a relief! Scout, Madalyn and I have been able to get back into our routine of daily walks, which have been real workouts since we have to trudge through heavy melting snow now! For anyone who has not met Scout, she is known to be one of the wussiest, most skittish dogs on the planet! She is such a chicken! Usually she is scared of anyone new and different, and if given the choice, would run the other way. This past week, though, she has decided that she is now a guard dog, and must protect her mummy and baby. Three times this week we have come across different people on our walk and each time they have come close to us and said something (usually "hi") Scout gets her heckles up and barks at them! I don't know where this timid creature has found these little moments of bravery, but it is a tad distressing! It would be one thing if it was some strange suspicious man and we were in a dark alley, but no, she seems to now do it at anyone who walks by. We'll now have to get her out of that habit!! The mail carrier tamed her today with a doggie treat on our walk. If only all non-threatening strangers carried dog treats!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just so you know - it was 41 degrees celcius in Adelaide today!
