Sunday, January 21, 2007

Happy Birthday

It was a day of birthdays on the 20th. Cole turned 8, so Happy Birthday Buddy!! I hope you had a fun day! There is something in the mail heading your way! It was also the day that Madalyn reached the 4 month mark! To celebrate we went to Grande Prairie. We had to take my computer to Future Shop to get it fixed and we had some Christmas gift certs to spend at Michaels and Zellers. We managed to get Madalyn a snowsuit for next year from Sears for only 20 bucks! We were pretty impressed with ourselves! Let's hope it fits her then!
The day was running perfectly. We got all the things accomplished that we wanted to and had fun doing it. On the way home we were talking about how wellbehaved Madalyn had been and how well behaved Scout had been. Of course, no trip is complete without some explosive diarrhea. That's right, you read that correctly. We were driving in the dark about 20 minutes from home when we heard a most disturbing sound. Oh how we wish it had been Madalyn, but no, alas, it was Scout!! We pulled over at the first available place (the top of the Taylor hill at the truck pulloff)to discover that Scout had hit the floor, the door the back of the seat and of course the blanket on the seat she had been sitting! What a mess!! We ending up wiping up what we could, and throwing out the blanket which was a lost cause. Luckily we had a second blanket we could cover the seat with so Scout could sit there until we got home without getting any more on her. Of course the sudden stop coupled with cold air from the doors opening (and I am sure the smell as well) caused Madalyn to wake up in an unhappy mood and she then cried for the last 15 minutes home!
It all ends well though. Madalyn calmed down as soon as we walked in the door and fed her and changed her. Scout had a bath as did the back of the car. The stains have come out and the smell has disappeared as well. So it all turned out fine in the end! From now on, I will not comment on good behaviour from either of them until we are home safe and sound!

1 comment:

Tomato said...

Wow, that's quite the adventure!!!

I'm glad to hear there wasn't any permanent damage and that scout doesn't seem too embaresed about her accident. I know i would be...