Thursday, September 06, 2007

Back to Work

It has almost been a week of back to work and so far we seem to be surviving. The mornings have been rushed, but each day we seem to get slightly better. This morning we even had ten minutes left before we went out the door to play with Madalyn and Scout.
Madalyn has just taken everything in stride. She is such a happy, easy-going kid. She likes the lady looking after her and she has such fun with the other kids there. This morning when I dropped her off all the other kids were already there. Madalyn looked up at the three of them and gave them a big smile and a happy exclamation. It was so cute!
I am somewhat happy to be back at work. I know we will be extremely busy as we get into things. I haven't been to the schools yet, but I am hoping to start visiting them by tomorrow. I have to get my caseload organized and figure out who and what I have where, which is always a big task. I think the year will go well, though. Positive attitude....I am already looking forward to the weekend, just so that I can sleep later than 6. I hate getting up that early but I like having time to walk the dog and get ready with Madalyn still asleep.
Anyway, hopefully everything continues this smoothly, fingers crossed.

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