Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Back to Bloggin'

So, I haven't touched this thing in five months. Life and the Facebook monster have taken over, but Facebook is not the answer to everything, so here we are back at the blog again. For those of you who have missed it, I apologize for taking so long to get anything going.
Every Sunday morning, we go on a trip to Walmart. We can run errands and the store isn't busy so Madalyn can run around. She loves visiting the fish in the pet section and this weekend her daddy decided that it would be nice to have a few fishies at home. Madalyn loves her three new fish. We haven't given them names yet. Madalyn calls them "sishies." She loves to wave to them and give them kisses (well give the tank kisses, anyway) and she will just sit and watch them swim around.


Anonymous said...

Very cute- You and Shal are both brave- I wouldn't want to clean a fish tank.
Glad to see the blog is back- I was still checking it faithfully!

Anonymous said...

Actually fish would be great, you never have to clean puke off the carpet and you dont have to ask you Dad to take the fish into his house so his carpet stays clean. haha. Anyway Claire the pics are great and my granddaughter is beautiful. Now all you need is a kitten to complete the menagerie. What does Scout think of his new friends. Im glad the blog is back because I just dont get facebook Papa Wylie

Anonymous said...

Madalyn looks so grown up and wise sitting in that chair! Wish we could meet her, she will be all grown up at the rate we are going! PS - I am glad the blog is back too, you get more stories and pictures this way! talk soon, Kelly x

claire said...

Actually I don't plan on cleaning the fish tank. Since it was her daddy's idea I think he should get the special privilege of cleaning the tank. Oh and we have a fish update. I came home from work and discovered we are now down to two!
As for Scout, she hasn't paid them any attention at all. I thought she might like gazing at them, but nope, no interest.

Anonymous said...

Hi Claire, It's good to see you are back on track with the Blog thing. I understand it can be hard to keep up with it. Our litte Che (doggie) is doing well, she has grown a lot, like Madalyn! How's all, work etc? We are both doing fine. Take care. Egbert, Sabine and Che

Elizabeth said...

Eek. I can't believe how much older Madalyn looks even just from Christmas time. Keep the pictures coming. I too love that the blog is back.