Sunday, July 27, 2008

The newest member to the Wylie family..

We've been thinking of getting Scout some company for a long time, and after several visits to the local SPCA we found Indy. He is about 5 months old and is a border collie cross like Scout. Crossed with something different though, we think. He is extremely calm for a puppy and very sweet natured. He loves to follow Scout where ever she goes. Scout puts up with it for the most part, but if he goes near her treat, she lets him know that she is not impressed!


Anonymous said...

He is very cute- but I think you guys are crazy!!
(definetly better you than me- don't go giving Colin any ideas either) :)

Elizabeth said...

OMG. he is so cute. I can't wait to meet him. I wish I could come out and see you guys with crazy Max

Anonymous said...

He is lovely! Good for Scout to have company. When all goes as "planned" we might be taking a second Schapendoes (like Che) next year! Take care and we hope to hear from you.....

Anonymous said...

oops that anonymous was me: Sabine