Sunday, September 07, 2008

Back to Work

Well, the first week back at school and daycare has come and gone. Madalyn was excited to go back to daycare. She is having lots of fun with the other kids and her daycare provider genuinely missed her and was happy to have her back. We're so lucky to have her somewhere where we know she is well cared for and loved. Back to work was not as thrilling for me. It always comes with mixed feelings. The good news is that we have all kept our same schools, so the familiarity and continuity have been a great way to start the year, and we are feeling much further ahead in our time lines than this time last year, for sure! We're planning to get into therapy almost a month earlier than previous years. We have three workshops to put on in the first three months and we are also getting a trip to Chicago in November for the whole department to go to ASHA (American Speech-Language and Hearing Association). Chris' school courses have started up again, and yesterday he put his name done for an adult bowling league, so we will all be keeping pretty busy this fall.
Scout and Indy have adjusted well to life back at work for the rest of us. They are spending all day outside and have figured out the dog door into their doghouse in case it rains.
Here are a few pictures from the week. Scout and Indy have become best buddies now. Madalyn found her baby bathtub in the shed and likes to pretend it is her boat. She also found a fishing rod and was fishing out of her little white boat. Madalyn's daycare provider spent a month in Pakistan and brought back this outfit for Madalyn. I think it is called a Shalwar, but I might have that spelled wrong. Today she was playing on her rocking horse in a sweater I made a few years ago. We just happened to try it on her yesterday and it fits! She just was looking so cute I had to share!


Anonymous said...

Madalyn looks so proud in her shalwar, and the sweater looks great. I bet Grandad is so proud of his little boating and fishing enthusiast!

Anonymous said...

what a cheeky grin! looks like she has your dimples as well Claire? Kelly x