Thursday, August 25, 2005

full details

Okay here are the full details:
Name: Scout Piper Wylie - Scout from To Kill A Mockingbird, Piper, well that one is obvious and of course, so is the Wylie
From: Dawson Creek SPCA
Birthdate: Canada Day, July 1 2005
Backstory: Her pregnant mother was found and brought to the SPCA where 8 puppies were born. Scout is the runt of the litter.
Skills: We worked a lot on "come" today and she is a millions times better at it than yesterday! We also took her on a long walk to and from Walmart today and she did great!! SHe is gettingmuch better on the leash. Also she had two car rides today where she did not cry, so she has now found her favorite spot in the car. Unfortunately it is on the floor in the front passenger seat so in a couple months she won't fit there anymore!
ANyway, we promise to try really hard and not turn this into a Scoutblog!
IN other news, we are thinking of a road trip tomorrow down to Grande Prairie since Chris doesn't have to work. We thought we would see what that town has to offer.
It has the nearest Michaels and I haven't been there since before the wedding which is three weeks, so that has got to be some kind of record for me!! Don't worry though, even without the nearby Michaels I still have about six projects on the go!!
Talk to you soon!

1 comment:

claire said...

I whole-heartedly agree with that!! So far she has restricted herself to only peeing on me, though.