Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A New Career...Maybe Not

So Chris needed a haircut pretty badly and we all know how he doesn't like to pay 20 bucks every time he gets his hair cut. We found a kit that costs as much as a haircut and then I tried to do it for him. I was nervous to do it and I was worried about leaving bald patches all over his head! Fortunately there is only one bald patch that is pretty small and at the back. The way his hair grows it'll be gone in no time and he didn't seem too worried about it.
Hopefully all I need is some practice, it was after all, a first attempt. We'll see if he lets me do it again! Here is the result.


Matt said...

Scary stuff. Well, I guess practice makes perfect! :P

Allison said...

yet another illustration of how (most) girls and boys are different.

Anonymous said...

Just be grateful you got away with your eyebrows intact.
Oh, and I'd get someone neutral to check out this 'bald spot.' I wouldn't put it past Claire to shave her initials in there or something.

Anonymous said...

Not bad- I do Colin's hair all the time- what is with boys being too cheap to go get there hair cut by a professional.
at least all Colin wants is a simple shave!!

Anonymous said...

I wish Craig would let me cut his hair - but he would NEVER!
It is not unusual for his haircuts to cost around $30, up to $100 if he has highlights!
I don't know what it is with these 'pretty boys'

Tomato said...

Once upon a time i used to just cut my own hair.

Granted i had a very forgiving hairsyle... blad.