Thursday, July 06, 2006

Rain, rain don't go away!

Yesterday it finally rained!!!! It hasn't rained here since May! There are forest fires all over the place and you can see and feel the smoke in the air in town. Tumbler Ridge which is two hours away was evacuated because of a really big fire near them. We were so in need of this rain! We had a water ban and everything! It was also supposed to rain today (it hasn't) and it is supposed to rain tomorrow, but I won't hold my breath. The weird thing about weather up here is that if it is supposed to rain it NEVER does, and if it isn't, then all of a sudden, BOOM, there it is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ditto on that rain thing- my poor new (actually very expensive) new grass is not happy with the lack of rain and my water bill is less happy b/c of all the watering we are doing. I refuse to let it die!!
We have been ver BUSY here- will send a proper email soon