Sunday, December 10, 2006

Hittin' the Jackpot in more ways than one

#1. Miss Madalyn has decided that it is now a good idea to sleep through the night! She has done it two nights in a row. What's funny is the panic it causes in us, when we both leap out of bed at 630 in the morning realizing she hasn't woken up in the night, and run to the crib to make sure she is still breathing! Hopefully we'll get used to the idea soon and relax!

#2. My work Christmas party was last night and Chris and I each won the two top prizes! I came away with a beautiful basket filled with wine, wine glasses, and some fancy wine accessories! Chris came away with printer that is also a copier and fax machine! It can also pring photos right from the camera card! We paid 15 bucks for one dinner ticket and came away with over 300 dollars worth of prizes. I'd say that's a pretty good deal!

In other news: We left Madalyn with a babysitter last night and had our first night out together without her. We had lots of fun while Madalyn had a good time with a friend's mum. Aside from everyone asking me how I was doing without her every five minutes it was a great night! For the record, I thought of her often throughout the night and did miss her, but I was not worried a bit about her!

Chris' work party is this afternoon and kids are going to this one, so I imagine it will be shorter than the one last night. We'll be having two turkey dinners in two days! I guess that is how you know Christmas is fast approaching!

Hope everyone else is having a good weekend!


Leonard said...

I did the same thing with Leonard, I woke up at 5:30 am and immediately thought something horrible was wrong. The whole long way to his side I was thinking what a horrible mother I must be that I had slept through something horrible happening to my baby! You do get used to it, and soon start enjoying it!!

Anonymous said...

WOW- both pieces of news are very exciting- you shouldn't have mentioned what the prizes were- now you can't re-gift them- think of how much $ you could of saved and no one would have been the wiser:)