Monday, August 08, 2005

All The Best to Christopher and Caire

As of 6:00 AM this morning the newly-weds are traveling across half the continent to settle into thier new home in BC. I thought i would take the liberty of starting a post so anyone who wishes to leave a message for Chris and/or Claire, may do so. Just click on the little "comment" link below this post and leave a message, signing up for an account with Blogger is not required.

I'm sure Chris and Claire would love to see a few messages from thier friends when they get themselves reconnected to the inter-web. So don't walk, RUN! click the link and say "hello" or "hi" maybe even "hey"...

Sang (tomato)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope the drive out is going well, you two crazy kids. It's Monday afternoon, so...I'm guessing Saskatchewan. How's the candy? And the walky-talkys? I'm sending oodles of good wishes your way.