Thursday, August 18, 2005

Burning the House Down

I just heard from Chris and he has been offered job number one, and is now off to interview number two. Looks like a celebration may be in order tonight!! I am trying to be a nice wife while he is out and so I was making him chocolate chip cookies. Well, I now know that the fire alarm works! I followed the exact instructions but apparently I have a really hot oven, because the timer beeped, I opened the oven, and the nice fluffly little chocolate chip cookies I was expecting were little lumps of charcoal!! Well, we do know that Chris likes his food well done, so maybe he will like them anyway;)


Anonymous said...

yay about the job offer! you two are soooo hilarious. it makes me smile (and then cry - i miss you!!) to read this stuff.


Anonymous said...

YIPPEE!!!! A job-what great news- now for the fun part- spending all the money you have yet to earn to furnish the place (it was definetly my favorite thing to do- infact I wish I was there so I could spend your money for you- I am really really good at spending money- just ask Colin)

Anyway in case you were curious we made it to Tinkertown and it was tons of fun.

Colin is still away so I am lonely :( Tomorrow I have a big day planned I am going to make BREAD!! with my new breadmaker and hopefully I won't burn it (yeeyee) :)

Anonymous said...

C'mon guys...we're dying to know what happened...did Chris accept the job???

Tomato said...

WAAAAHH!! way to go chris! it's always nice to feel wanted. It is good to hear that you will both be employed in the professions you've traied for.

now i understand that we are two hours ahead of you, but i agree with mel. get your bums out of bed and tell us what happened!!!


Anonymous said...

I hope you know that, once you've made a decision, we'll be expecting more details...

I'm so happy for you, Chris. I really hope you find something you enjoy.

Have a super weekend!

Anonymous said...

Mom Wylie burnt a few loads of cookies too when we were first married. But being a gentleman I ate them. Fantastic news about the job son. Mom and I wish you the best of luck as you embark on your career. We had a great time with you and Claire and I am really impressed with your home and Fort St. John. We made it to Calgary and are all set for a fun weekend with old friends who we havent seen in 10 years. Chuck and Colleen will be joining us tonight for dinner with Mike and Sharon Ripley. Jordan has apparently left Ft St. John. No one is exactly sure where he is right now as he hasnt called in. Anyway we will call you in the next few days to talk. Love Mom and Dad