Thursday, August 25, 2005

Scout Wylie

We now have our puppy. Her name is Scout and she was born July 1st,2005. She has four white feet and a white tipped tail. She has a white tummy, with a white strip down her chin and between her eyes. The rest of her is black, but the black is starting to turn grey so we think she might be part husky.
Bringing her home was the first time she had ever left the shelter since she was born there, and she was not too impressed with the car ride. She cried most of the way home, which Shaleen, totally reminded me of Audrey on our way home from Grand Forks!!
She is a very playful little girl and pretty vocal as well. She is so little that she knows absolutely nothing and you've got a 50/50 chance that she'll come to you when you call her. Sometimes when you call her she stays where she is and just barks at you like, "Why don't you come here? Why do I have to go over there? your legs are longer you could get here quicker!" It's pretty funny.
I was up at least once an hour with her last night because she needed constant reassurance. Hopefully this will resolve quickly because I am tired! it was her first night somewhere different without any of her brothers and sisters, so I'm sure she was quite nervous. Today I am tryingto get her an appointment with the vet so we can make sure she is healthy.
I have taken pictures to put up, but we are having problems with the router so I can't get internet on my computer. Chris' computer doesn't seem to be able to put up pictures because it thinks the function is a pop up. So if the router was working we could pictures up with my computer. Hopefully we can fix it up quick, and then you guys can see our little cutie!
Hope you're all having a good day!

1 comment:

Tomato said...

Wowie! Scout sounds like a fun name. Are you aware that scout's birthday is the same as canada's birthday? also are you aware it is also the day Allison and I celebrate our aniversary?

Are you subconciously declaring who you miss mostest? likely not. But i'm gonna pretend anyway.

I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your fuzzy little creature.

Fuzzy Tomato