Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I just got a call from SPCA and we get our puppy!!! Tomorrow afternoon we are going to pick her up!!! YAY!!! I'm so excited I'm bouncing off the walls!!! Chris and I better decide on a name for her now! Can't wait to send you guys pictures of her!


Anonymous said...

yay! wait, why did that get a bigger font then my b-day?!


Tomato said...

Heh lucky for them they have no furniture for the dog to chew up, pee on, or shed on.

Hurrah chris and claire for getting your puppy. I'm sure she will keep your life "interesting". ha ha. i hope she doen't end up prissy like my mom's Yuki. that puppy dog refuses to go outside when the temperature drops down below 10 degrees. Granted she's the size of a large rabbit. but even rabbits are outside in that weather. silly puppy.

i seem to be rambling which probably means i'm procrastinating and i should get my but in gear and head to work.

good luck with the puppy
